Save the date for our Parish Lenten Mission on Monday, March 31 through Wednesday, April 2. I will be preaching it and the tentative theme is A Culture of Life: That You May Have Life and Have it More Abundantly.
Praise & Worship and Adoration at St. Joachim Catholic Church with music led by Fr. Kyle Sanders on Thursday, October 17, at 6 PM.
5505 Barataria Blvd., Marrero, LA 70072
Raffle tickets are on sale now for $5 each. The drawing will be on Sunday, October 20, 2024, and the winner doesn’t need to be present. Current Prize Amount - 1st Prize - $4,717.50; 2nd Prize - $2,830.50; 3rd Prize - $1,887.
We’re scheduled a Baptism Seminar for school families, and anyone else, on Tuesday, September 24, at 7:00 PM in Jerome Hall. See the flyer for more details.
Join us August 14-15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for Mass, an Evening of Adoration on Wednesday evening, and the Fete-Dieu du Mississippi on Thursday afternoon.
Information Night for anyone who has questions about the Catholic Church, getting more involved, becoming Catholic, or the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, August 22, 6:30-8 PM.
The men of St. Cletus Catholic Church and School are invited to the rectory with Fr. Bryan Howard to eat, drink, and talk about Catholic things. Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 7 PM.
The St. Cletus Scouts BSA Troop 796 is holding a Jambalaya Dinner Fundraiser to help pay for their summer trip. Meal includes jambalaya, green beans, salad, and bread and are $8 per plate. May 26, 2024, 10 AM to 2 PM in Jerome Hall.